TradingWinner Back in Action

Last week I had a horrible experience. My car was broken into right outside of the office building I work at. It gets worse. I had forgotten to grab my backpack containing my laptop and my mobile computing gear. The thieves got my laptop!

I was very busy the day it happened, working on a complex database project for a client. Normally my laptop goes with me every time I go into the office. The police actually telephoned, alerting me my car had been broken into and needing to speak with me to file a report.

My laptop is still missing. I do not expect it will be recovered.

Anyways, I do most of my online development and personal surfing on my laptop. Without it, I have been barely able to manage my emails and websites. Thus, the lack of updates to TradingWinner.

I still do not have a replacement laptop. But I did get my desktop machine at my house in usable shape to perform research, browse the web, and update my sites. My laptop ran Windows XP, while my desktop computer is running FreeBSD – quite a switch to make for all my online activities!

By the way: Factory alarm systems only go off when your car door is opened. The thieves simply bashed in my rear windows and grabbed my backpack. I did not know this, but the police officer that helped me out explained this to me. I was disappointed. Time to invest in a real car alarm. Any recommendations?

TradingWinner is Back in Action.

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