Vonage IPO Update

Vonage IPO Update

Vonage (NYSE: VG) shares have fallen 24% from 17.25 to 13.00 since the introduction of VG to the stock market on Wednesday.

Stock traders and investors are pricing in increased VOIP competition and high marketing costs, driving down the price. The future does not look so bright for Vonage. Some analysts believe Vonage IPO was overpriced, with many believing the price should have been around $10 per share.

The Vonage IPO has been the worst introduction this year, falling 13% on it’s first day of trading, and falling 24% total in two days of trading. Not very impressive.

I personally don’t like any VOIP stocks, mostly due to heavy competition. I am going to stay away from VG.

How I Started Trading – Part 2

How I Started Trading – Part 2

How I Started Trading – Part 1 covers my introduction to the stock market and business world, mostly through high school and university classes, and my personal interest.

I have always wanted to start and run my own businesses, which I feel greatly increased my attentiveness and receptiveness in my business oriented classes. I had a deep passion to learn everything I possibly could about the business world – economics, accounting, finance, entrepreneur studies, mathematics, statistics, marketing, sociology, banking, trading, investing, and every other related topic. Thankfully, I still possess this strong desire to continue learning, studying, and applying my knowledge to business, trading, and investing. I still have the drive to start my own successful businesses as well as be a successful stock trader and investor, just as I did when I was younger.

I know I can, and will, succeed in my ventures. Do you know you can, too?

To recap part one of how I started trading, I took as many classes, I read as many books, and I learned as much as I could about the stock market, investing, and business. These were the first major steps I undertook on the road to where I am today.

I never had a lot of money. I was not poor, but I was not rich. You could classify my family as “middle” middle class. I did not have a trust fund. I do not have inheritances. Everything I have, or my family has, we have worked very hard for. I suppose my drive and desire to learn, and turn my thoughts and ideas into actions, with results, was partly driven by necessity. The necessity to survive in the world (or rather, in the U.S.), which seems to promote a certain lifestyle or standard of living. I don’t want to be poor, living on the streets and begging for change. I don’t think anyone would choose to live like that. I also don’t want to be rich, having more than I could possibly ever need or use, such as Bill Gates. I saved most of the money I earned. I bought what I needed and every now and then I bought something I wanted. But importantly, I saved and I kept saving. I realized after I had enough money, I could have my money work for me. Not me working for money. I like this idea of money working for me.

I continued saving my money.

One of my friends opened a stock market trading account. He was very excited about the possibilities the stock market offered. He was making money while he was in class. He was making money while we were playing video games. His trades and investments were generating cash flow for him. We would talk about his stocks he owned and the stocks he was looking at. He would research many companies, finding the ones that fit his investing and trading style. I would then research his stocks as well. I became even more fascinated with the stock market, and more dedicated to opening my own online stock account. I wanted to make money while I was learning in university, just as he was.

I did some math regarding capital gains taxes and stock broker commissions. I quickly realized commissions fees would eat me alive. I would have to make a large percentage gain on my stocks just to cover commissions fees. However, I was not deterred from my ultimate goals. I felt $1000 was the minimum amount I could invest or trade which would not quickly disappear with commissions. I figured I could buy two stocks, putting $500 in each one. Saving $1000 was my immediate goal.

I continued saving my money.

Eventually I had saved $1000. I opened a stock trading account with Scottrade, which had $7 commissions on trades – the lowest commissions I could find at the time. I was very excited. I could finally start having my money work for me, through stock trades. I had already done my research and I had two stocks in mind: Walgreens (NYSE: WAG) and Sirius Satellite Radio (NASDAQ: SIRI). As soon as my money cleared and the cash was available for trading, I bought these two stocks. I wanted to hold on to each of these stocks for at least one year, since I knew the capital gains tax was substantially lower after you hold for one year. I remember purchasing shares of SIRI at 1.71 per share, shares of WAG at 29.98 per share. My first two trades. YES! I had completed one of my goals. I had opened an account with a stock broker. I had bought my first shares. I now had money in the stock market. I was now making money with my money. Rather, I hoped I would be making money with my money. 🙂

I continued saving my money.

My first two trades turned out to be fantastic picks. Looking back, I had bought WAG and SIRI at a great time. The market was at a very low point. Almost immediately after my purchases, the market picked up, and I was making good money on my picks. These profits unrealized until I sold, of course, and just profits on paper. But I was still making money. Eventually, I sold my shares to lock in profits. I sold Walgreens for a return of about 16%. Sirius Satellite Radio was even more profitable for me. I sold SIRI for a return of 100%. I had doubled the $500 invested in SIRI. Selling my first shares was very exciting for me. My hard work had paid off – handsomely. I had reached another personal goal. I successfully used my money to make more money.

How I Started Trading – Part 3 coming soon.

BIDU Soars 28% in Pre-Market Trading

Baidu.com (Ticker: BIDU, Market: NASDAQ) has released first quarter earnings Wednesday morning, beating estimates with soaring profits and an expanded customer base. BIDU stock price has jumped up +17.74 (28.90%), currently trading at 79.12 per share.

For the quarter through March, the Beijing-based company said it earned 35.2 million yuan ($4.4 million; euro3.5 million), or 1.02 yuan per share (13 cents per American depositary share). A year ago, the company earned just 2.5 million yuan, or 0.08 yuan per share.

Sales tripled to 135.6 million yuan ($16.9 million), compared with last year’s 45.7 million yuan.

I had previously mentioned BIDU on April 5th, in my article: Eye on China Internet Stocks, at which point BIDU was trading at 55.50 per share. Since my original article on April 5, BIDU has soared +23.62 (42.56%).

Nymex to Open Singapore Office

Nymex to Open Sinapore Office

Wednesday May 10, 2:01 am ET

New York Mercantile Exchange to Open Singapore Office

SINGAPORE (AP) — The New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex), the world’s largest energy-futures marketplace, will open an office in Singapore on May 17, the company said in a statement late Tuesday.

My opinion: I think an office in Asia will encourage an increase in Asian futures traders. Any increase in the number of traders and capital should bring greater volatility to oil, gas, and other energies futures. More traders and capital brings more futures speculation. After the Nymex Singapore Office has a change to grow and develop, we could see greater price fluctuations in oil and gas futures prices – greater than the ones we have recently been seeing.

How I Started Trading

How I Started Trading – Part 1

How I got started in Stock Trading.

My adventures in stock trading all started one day when the Trading Bug bit me. Just kidding.

Since I was a kid, I have always wanted to start and run my own business. I wanted to become a successful entrepreneur. I consider myself creative and inventive, which is likely a result of my obsessive love of Lego’s growing up. I have always had a passion for creating ideas in my head, then building them up myself, whether it be playing with Lego’s or building my knowledge with my Trading Winner blog.

My desire to become a profitable investor started in high school. In my junior year I was given a choice of classes I would like to take. I chose economics. I didn’t know much about economics, finance, or business going in to the class, but thanks to a great econ teacher, Mrs. Pride, I quickly learned the basic elements, ideas, and strategies used in business. I knew I should pay close attention and keep a keep a mental notebook of all the things I learned in economics class. I was motivated not only by my own desire, but also by the powerful, yet relaxed, style Mrs. Pride used to convey her own knowledge.

Mrs. Pride would always have a weekly or monthly project for our class. One project was to build and manage a virtual stock market portfolio. The winning team was given a price, a pizza party. I love pizza so I wanted to be the winner. Unfortunately, my team and I did not win. But, I gained valuable experience and the potential success one could gain in the stock market sparked my interest.

Another project she gave us involved stock market research, or Due Diligence. Mrs. Pride assigned us a publicly traded company and our goal was to produce a written and oral report about everything we could research about our company. My company was Apple Computer (NASDAQ: AAPL). She had us write and mail a letter our company’s public relations office and ask them to send us a copy of the annual report. We also had to find out everything else we possibly could. We had to analyze the report, do our research, and then present our company to our class. This project helped me to learn the fundamentals of researching stocks and companies. At the end of the class, I knew the basics ideas used in analysis, research, and investing. Most importantly, my interest in the stock market had sparked and ignited.

In college, I continued my pursuit of business and financial knowledge. I had a long and deep love for computers, in addition to my interest in business and finances. Half of my classes were dedicated business (which I use as an umbrella term for finance, economics, accounting, investing, entrepreneurial studies, etc.), and the other half of my classes I used to develop a stronger foundation in computer science.

I took many business oriented classes in college, in order to learn as much as I possibly could. One saying I love is “knowledge is power”, which I strongly believe to be true. The classes I took, and tried to master, were: economics, finance, accounting, marketing, sociology, psychology, mathematics, statistics, and general business studies. I have taken numerous classes on each subject, learning as much as I could in order to master the topic. I wouldn’t call myself an expert in any of those fields, but I probably know more than the average person.

In addition to classes I have taken, I have also read numerous books, articles, and magazines relating to business, investing, trading, or general finance. There are too many great books to mention, but I’ll name a few of my favorites: The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, which covers investment principles and value investing; The Art of War by Sun Tzu, which has helped me plan, strategize, and execute my ideas; and Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosake, which I strongly recommend everyone read and learn. These books, among many others, have inspired me not only to learn, but to develop and apply myself to becoming successful and reach my personal goals.

How I Started Trading – Part 2 coming soon.